Patrick's thoughts



Based on the SAMR model we have learned in this week’s topic, I realize that since high school most of my teachers utilized SAMR during the class. An example is that I remember one time during an English class in high school, we were required to bring computers/devices to the class. The teacher asked us to write down the answers and thoughts on the google docs file she previously created on the drive while the movie was played.

Because the file is shared, she could directly edit and comment on any part of the assignment, I could also send her questions on the feedback part she had highlighted. After the evaluations were done, we could look at other classmates’ works and comment on them. It was my first contact with such an interactive method in the class. I think this kind of teaching method (SMAR utilized)not only makes students more involved but also makes it easier for teachers to organize and give feedback on assignments.

Good editing is an indicator to measure the quality of a video. The amount of information that the audience can get from the video depends largely on the quality of the video. So, when using instructional videos for teaching, the quality of the chosen videos should be ensured that they are fairly attractive. Appropriate addition of animation can make the video more attractive to the audience. Here is the opening of the video I made in AE322:

Here is the edited video based on the tutorial of Openshot we have done this week:

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  1. ky0076518 2021-06-13

    Hi Patrick,

    I enjoyed reading your article very much. It’s very easy to understand, but it doesn’t lose its class. I went to high school in Canada, too. The SAMR model is very common in every high school course of mine. This model makes us take the initiative to find the answer and explore the unknown. It is very effective for the improvement of learning ability. I really liked the beginning of the video you made. Can you teach me when you are free? lol



  2. lyk19960221 2021-06-14

    Hey Patrick
    You used a good example to illustrate the SAMR model. Most online courses are based on the SAMR model, proving that this model is effective for teaching. At the same time, the beginning of the video you designed is also excellent. I also want to see the rest of your video.
    On the other hand, maybe you can briefly talk about an example of the SECTION model in practice?

  3. rahma 2021-06-14

    Hi Patrick,

    SAMR model is an important concept in education and multimedia learning. I agree SAMR Model in teaching maximizes the quality of education. It is essential for student success and especially when integrates during high school, it prepares the students for the better transformation of their work and understanding of content. I wish I had a teacher like that in high school but I can defiantly reflect back on my time in university, especially during covid when we had to learn fully online.

    Great post! Best,


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